We are reaching out to Jews who want to own a part of Israel now, but are not sure of when they want to actually move there and make Aliyah.
If you are serious about Making Aliyah NOW, there is a terrific organization that you should contact, Nefesh B’Nefesh. Their website is and you can call them 1-866-4-ALIYAH
While it may appear there is a lot of effort involved in making the change to becoming an Israeli, it is more than worth it in the long run. You will discover why Aliyah comes from the Hebrew word to rise or go up.
We once again point to the words of Herzl:
“Israel is our unforgettable historic homeland …”
“Therefore I believe that a wondrous generation of Jews will spring into existence. The Maccabeans will rise again.”
“Let me repeat once more my opening words: The Jews who wish for a State will have it. We shall live at last as free men on our own soil, and die peacefully in our own homes.”
“The world will be freed by our liberty, enriched by our wealth, magnified by our greatness. And whatever we attempt there to accomplish for our own welfare, will react powerfully and beneficially for the good of humanity.”The world will be freed by our liberty, enriched by our wealth, magnified by our greatness. And whatever we attempt there to accomplish for our own welfare, will react powerfully and beneficially for the good of humanity.”
Making Aliyah has many facets to it, some of which are:
- Learning Hebrew
- Working in Israel
- Where to live
- Your rights and benefits as a new oleh
- Education
- Army service
- Healthcare
- Retirement
- Shipping your belongings