Take a Tour




Only 10% of American Jews have ever visited Israeli, which means 90% of American Jews, the vast majority, have never stepped foot inside Israel.

It is not absolutely necessary to see Israel before you purchase your Israeli home – BUT – if you would prefer to see Israel first before you purchase, and we advise doing this, then you can arrange a tour with Yossi Maimon, to get a better feel for where you will be comfortable in Your Israeli Home.

Yossi has been my friend for more than 24 years. I met him first as a tour guide, one of the best in all of Israel, and then we became friends. I toured all around Israel with him, North, South, East, and West. When it came time to purchase our homes there, he was extremely helpful in deciding where we would be comfortable and happy. Yossi has proudly shown Israel to thousands of Jews around the world, and transmitted his love of the Land to them. One of the main things on his mind while guiding Jews is to help them make the right choice and move to Israel. He believes Israel is the only real home for Jews.

Many of the people he has guided say, “Israel indeed is the most beautiful country in the world.” He has also written 3 books about Israel and the Holy Places within it. It will be his honor and kavode to show visitors to the Your Israeli Home website his Israeli home, and your Israeli home.

Yossi can build you your own personal tour, and tailor it to your family’s needs and interests.

You will have to arrange payment with Yossi for his touring services, it is not included in the price of Your Israeli Home.

Keep in mind, if you are not moving into Your Israeli Home right away, you can swap it later for another type of housing. In the meantime, it could be easier to manage and maintain a moderately priced condo (apartment).

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